Gifts in Wills – the next 50 years

Wigmore Hall has been a part of my life, and that of innumerable friends, for all my time in London and I cannot imagine the city without it. I felt that any money I could leave the Hall would enable it to continue to bring in some of the greatest musicians of our age and the next.

A member of the Wigmore Hall audience and legacy donor

Legacy Gifts to Wigmore Hall help us to:

  • Secure the future of our concert programme
  • Invest in new and emerging talent
  • Reach out to new audiences in the Hall and on new platforms
  • Maintain the fabric of this beloved Hall for the benefit of future generations

Find out more

Can we help further?

We cannot give legal advice but if you want to discuss your gift or would like it used for a specific purpose please contact us to ensure we can fulfil your wish.

If you want to be remembered for your gift by some form of recognition in the Hall please contact us.

You need not tell us about your gift but if you do then we can say thank you.

John Gilhooly, Director - email
Marie-Hélène Osterweil, Director of Development - email


The Wigmore Society was formed to recognise and keep in touch with those thoughtful individuals who have included a gift to Wigmore Hall in their Will. If you plan to leave a legacy to Wigmore Hall and would like to join, we would love to hear from you.

Download the pdf below for further information about leaving a legacy in your Will.
Wigmore Society brochure

Header image: Father and son attend a Family Workshop © James Berry