
Pavel Kolesnikov & Samson Tsoy
Image credit: © Joss McKinley

Archived Event

Bach and Shostakovich
Pavel Kolesnikov and Samson Tsoy
Fri 04 Oct 2024, 1.00pm
Archived Event

This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


Important Information

Confirmation of Programme
The programme has been confirmed and is now as below.


  • Pavel Kolesnikov and Samson Tsoy


        • Fugue in C sharp minor from The Well-tempered Clavier Book I BWV849
        • Prelude in E flat from The Well-tempered Clavier Book I BWV852
        • Fugue in E flat Op. 87 No. 19
        • Prelude and Fugue in G minor Op. 87 No. 22


    This programme was initially conceived as part of the Ragged Music Festival, designed as a metaphor or a ritual celebrating the mutual illumination between the two works. It revives and relives the poignant dialogue between Johann Sebastian Bach and Dmitry Shostakovich through their Preludes and Fugues, a music form that is itself intrinsically dialogic in nature, in a way that has never been done before.

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